Neuro Praxis Düsseldorf

Vasovagal syncope is the most common form of circulatory collapse, sudden fainting

Treating vasovagal syncopes in the Neuro Praxis Düsseldorf

Vasovagal syncope is a reflexive fainting. It is the most common form of circulatory collapse, a sudden fainting. About one third of all people are affected by fainting or impending fainting at least once in their lives. The most common cause is reflex circulatory collapse, i.e. syncope. This usually occurs while standing, but not exclusively. Classic signs of impending fainting are dizziness and black eyes, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, nausea and also sweating. Occasionally, however, these signs of impending fainting do not occur.

The spectrum of possible triggers of reflex fainting (used synonymously: reflex syncope, vasovagal syncope) is broad. They include: standing for a long time, going to the toilet, pain, seeing blood, drawing blood, emotions such as fear or excitement. Rare triggers include pressure on the neck or cervical arteries from tight collars or turning the head quickly. Although triggers vary greatly from person to person, the reflex leading to fainting is always the same. This vasovagal reflex temporarily causes a prompt drop in blood pressure and often a slowing of the heartbeat.

At first glance, a reflex that causes fainting may seem absolutely superfluous. However, it is possible that the vasovagal reflex has an evolutionary significance and protects us from large blood losses after injuries. Against this background, fainting in the context of vasovagal syncope would be the necessary evil of an originally life-saving reflex. Although fainting may seem unpredictable to you, you can prevent it. We have compiled some practical tips for everyday life that have proven helpful for patients with your symptoms.

For example, to distinguish between fainting in circulatory collapse and loss of consciousness in epilepsy, it can be very helpful if the event can be described by observers. We repeatedly find that the inclusion of all observations already makes it possible to differentiate between different forms of fainting, e.g. circulatory collapse and epilepsy.

Vasovagal syncope is a relatively common form of syncope that can occur in many people. It is estimated that about 20-30% of the population have experienced vasovagal syncope at least once in their lifetime. However, the frequency can vary and depends on several factors such as age, gender, health status and lifestyle.