Neuro Praxis Düsseldorf

Headaches: Significant impairment of quality of life

Treatment of headaches in the Neuro Praxis Düsseldorf

Headaches can have a significant impact on quality of life. They can affect the ability to perform daily activities and the ability to enjoy work and social activities. Migraines and chronic headaches can even lead to depression and anxiety.

Headaches can also affect sleep patterns, which in turn can increase sensitivity to pain. It can also affect the ability to focus on work or other activities, which can affect performance and increase the risk of making mistakes.

It is important that sufferers seek professional help to determine the causes of headaches and receive appropriate treatment. Effective headache management can improve quality of life and reduce the risk of mental health problems.

Possible causes

There are many possible causes of headaches, some of which are:

  • Migraines: This is a common cause of persistent and often throbbing headaches. It can be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea and sensitivity to light.
  • Tension headaches: These are the most common headaches and are usually described as aching or band-like.
  • Cluster headaches: These are very painful headaches that often come in flares and are often accompanied by eye discomfort and runny nose.
  • Sinusitis: Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which can lead to headaches and facial pressure.
  • Hormonal changes: Headaches can also be caused by hormonal changes, such as during menstruation or menopause.
  • Other factors such as stress or lack of sleep

Therapy options

Headache treatment depends on the type and cause of the headache. Some common treatment options are:

  • Painkillers: Acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can help relieve pain.
  • Migraine medications: Triptans and ergotamine can help relieve migraine headaches.
  • Biofeedback and relaxation techniques: These methods can help relieve tension headaches.
  • Medications to prevent cluster headaches: Verapamil and lithium can help reduce the frequency and intensity of cluster headaches.
  • Sinusitis Treatment: Antibiotics and nasal sprays can help treat sinus infections.
  • Prophylactic medications: Some patients benefit from prophylactic medications taken regularly to reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
  • Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy measures such as manual therapy, trigger point therapy, and cervical mobilization can help to relieve pain and improve mobility.
  • Acupuncture and acupressure: These methods can also help relieve the pain.

At Neuro Praxis Düsseldorf, we attach great importance to determining the exact cause of the headache so that we can recommend the right therapy on this basis.

If the headache is severe or persistent, it is strongly recommended that you see a doctor.

"Do you have any questions about our services or would you like to make an appointment? We would also be happy to advise you in our private medical video consultation"

Prof. Dr. med. Christina Haubrich and Nina Salimi (Specialists in neurology)

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