Early detection, e.g. of dementia and Parkinson's
Early detection of dementia and Parkinson's in the Neuro Practice Düsseldorf
Early detection of neurological diseases is one of the main research areas of Prof. Dr. med. Christina Haubrich:
Remaining independent with Parkinson's, feeling good and actively participating in everyday life - we want to achieve these goals for our patients. In addition to maintaining mobility and mobility, this also includes improving concentration, alertness and the reliable functioning of the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder and circulation. The treatment recommendations therefore include a special physiotherapy exercise program, speech therapy treatment and training of memory and concentration. The nutritional recommendations aim at the optimal effect of the Parkinson's medication, the support of the bowel function and an adequate supply of nutrients. In the course of Parkinson's disease, we pay attention to a safe swallowing function and teach swallowing training under speech therapy guidance. Parkinson treatment example
In June 2021 Prof. Dr. med. Christina Haubrich was included by the magazine FOCUS-GESUNDHEIT in the list of "Top-Mediziner 2021" (top medics) in the Dementia category.
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